Mat’s Whining on Interview by Melvyn Altwarg

Mat’s Background

Mat has been a constant figure in the street performing scene in the UK for over 15 years. 

At the beginning of his career Mat was seen as one of the best contact jugglers in the UK, performing 15 minute shows of physical skill and technique. 

As part of his development he learnt other performing skills as well as his original talent for glass ball manipulation and body rolling. 

Mat spent time with Freak Show Artists, learning a variety of techniques, from knocking nails into his face to twisting his legs round his head and to his back. 

During this time Mat was a regular fixture on the UK underground cabaret circuit working in both festivals and venues. He toured Europe with the renowned Squidling Brothers sideshow working both in the street and in Europe’s adult cabaret scene. 

Mat branched out from already established performance spaces and began to to open up new public arenas, Trafalgar square, Leicester square and Camden. In all these places when Mat first arrived there was a huge amount of resistance from Local Authorities. Mat became the closest thing to an expert in the use of Public Law and its application in public spaces. Mat took challenges to the British Judiciary and has had laws changed to clarify rights. Mat has for many years administrated forums on the subject and has devoted huge amount of time and effort empowering busker and street performers to work together harmoniously and peacefully. He has been devoted to the education and awareness of freedoms and rights to access public spaces for people in the UK.

Mat has become a highly respected artist as well as a champion for the cause of street performance. During his career he created unique tall bicycle shows with the help of New York and German engineers. 

He was the first individual to perform a double pirouette while juggling with a chainsaw. Audiences have been amazed at his comedy contortion routines. 

Mat spent many years attempting to create art within his performance constructing work that includes fun as well as subtext and metaphor. Mat is probably best known now as a verbal follower. A style of comedy where he creates stories involving passers by. Mat’s creative and original show has become a favourite of many young street performers and he is seen as someone to emulate. 

Mat has a love and passion for street performance equalled by few. Mat is a true Artiste shown by his dedication and desire, creativity and originality and his inner need to add meaning to his work.