Category: Europe


Michael-Anthony Ave Maria Bonnici-Erichsen From being a skateboarding young cool up and coming face in the Mormon community, setting records for bringing people into the faith, to leaving Mormonism and

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Beautiful Stu Goldsmith

The much loved Beautiful Stu, Stuart came all the way from renaissance circuit and community theatre to the street working first in the double act “kiosk of Champions”. One of

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Michiel Hesseling

Juggling from the age of 15 and being featured in international juggling magazines from the age of 18, described as a virtuoso, the Mozart of juggling, Michiel has been a

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Captain Frodo

“Captain Frodo” / “The Incredible Rubberman”: A man i watched on television when i was coming up, a tried and tested street and stage act who has for most of

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Kwabana Lindsay (2)

Pleased to have back Kwabana for his second appearance talking about his life and adventures post millennium working with the great and disheveled NoFit State Circus and the Invisible Circus,

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Mark Schrier

Performing from the 80’s Mark travelled the world as half of the comedy duo Muki and Fuzzy, juggling rope walking escapology and the occasional on pitch herbalist, its not what

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Mitch Mitchelson

Mitch clearly has a penchant for the dramatic both performing, directing in and teaching theatre for what appears to be most of his life. As well as treading the boards

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Mat Boden

The Encouragable Rogue himself your host for the first time telling his story on the show he began this time hosted by special guest host Melvyn Altwarg. Mat has become

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David Cassel (2)

Last time we heard about David’s success in the Canadian theatre industry, how he ran companies and theatres throughout Canada, how the collapse of arts funding lead to him taking

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Lee Nelson

An acrobat, juggler, contortionist and fearless street comic. Lee has travelled a lot from being a boy from Perth creating murf to going to South Africa penniless and with a

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Kwabana Lindsay

From the beginnings of the modern uk juggling circuits boom, to nearly ever festival this side of Russia Lindsay has experienced them all with his truck and slackline rig, he

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david cassel

Dave Cassel (Hotch), in his youth, was a performing star in Canada , travelled the world as a street artist created a show that was talked about when i was

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Dom Ferry

Tonight On Whining On Dom Ferry star of the street, variety entertainer former double act member of the legendary Zip and Zap, now world touring street musician. Dom has a

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The Mighty Gareth

Gareth Williams The mighty Gareth, what a legend of street performance, he has been in the crowd as a bottler in the 80’s and then travelled the world as a

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Aileen Wilkie

Aileen Wilkie This powerful wee Scottish performer is said by some to have paved the way for other female acts on the street. Coming out of the golden 1980s era

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Alex Dandridge

Alex was a child virtuoso at juggling. He gaining in years what many had to dedicate entire lifetimes to attain. From being the youngest talent on the blocck and developing

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Bike Boy

Bike Boy Sean Jeremy Bridges, With a high skill show and comedy hacked by many, and such a cheeky character its hardly difficult to realise why he is known and

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Unique eccentric and in no way in a rush Jolly Goodfellow or as the circus and theatre world may know him Rumpel is a one off. with eye water skills

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Hacki n Moeppi

Hacki and Moeppi are one of mat’s favourite shows with high skills packaged as utter choas, a smoothy jaz like presentation and a confidence that can only be acquired through

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Martin Ewen

Martin Ewen a Street and festival legend, cynical clown and one of the most thoughtful members of our community. Tune in tonight to find out why this figure towers over

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LH Ross

Lee Ross is one of the most influential buskers of his era. Stories of shows and concepts he created are shared on pitches to this day. Lee even assailed the

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Dave Southern

Dave Southern is a fatherly figure to many in the UK busking scene these days, always ready and able to dispense advice from his nearly 40 years of experience. Dave

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Chris Lynam

Chris Lynam aka “Chris the Piss” a true legend, one of the first performers to work the hallowed Covent Garden and a true creative force in the festial circuit. Chris

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