Category: 1980s

Silver Man

Graham Scott The legendary silver man. A face known around the world for incredible dancing and rude, playful anarchic comedy. Performed over 30 years in nearly every country that would

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David Shiner

David Shiner Legend of the street, wrote and performed multiple sellout Broadway shows. Main attraction for the largest circus in the world, cirque du soleil, and wrote and directed multiple

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Alex Dandridge

Alex was a child virtuoso at juggling. He gaining in years what many had to dedicate entire lifetimes to attain. From being the youngest talent on the blocck and developing

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Bike Boy

Bike Boy Sean Jeremy Bridges, With a high skill show and comedy hacked by many, and such a cheeky character its hardly difficult to realise why he is known and

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Martin Ewen

Martin Ewen a Street and festival legend, cynical clown and one of the most thoughtful members of our community. Tune in tonight to find out why this figure towers over

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Nick Nickolas

Nick Nickolas is one of the most beloved characters to be produced out of Covent Garden. Starting at 16 and still performing to this day. Nick has done and excelled

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LH Ross

Lee Ross is one of the most influential buskers of his era. Stories of shows and concepts he created are shared on pitches to this day. Lee even assailed the

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Dave Southern

Dave Southern is a fatherly figure to many in the UK busking scene these days, always ready and able to dispense advice from his nearly 40 years of experience. Dave

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