Philip Battle


2h 10m

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October 19, 2020



Philip is one of the most acclaimed pavement artists Britain has created over the last 50 years. Working to this day as half of UrbanCanvas creating works for festivals and events around the UK. The work has been described ephemeral and exists in the moment like all great street works. Philip has also lectured Illustration at Liverpool University.

He has authored many books including “Lady Skeever” the story of the first female pavement artist Alice Coleman and the beginnings of the modern pavement art scene. As well as writing on the history of street art he has been publishing poetry since the 70’s and was involved in the Liverpool poetry scene that paved the way for people like John Cooper Clarke and Atilla the Stockbroker. With a lifetime in performance and the arts being involved in incredible projects and movements i think this is going to be a very different and insightful whining on, I cant wait for this one can you?

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