Michiel Hesseling


2h 07m

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October 12, 2020



Juggling from the age of 15 and being featured in international juggling magazines from the age of 18, described as a virtuoso, the Mozart of juggling,

Michiel has been a sought after sight at conventions for his fluid effortless world class technical skills. Since being hailed as a child prodigy Hesseling became half of the acclaimed duo “The flying dutchmen”. The Dutchmen have been booked at nearly every large street festival in the world over the last 30 years.

Michiel has taken first prize in over 15 international street performing championships, featured in books, dvds, scientific studies, and now is finding success with MindPepper in the corporate sector. It is said he inspired a whole generation of jugglers will he inspire you tune in to find out.

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