Mat Boden


2h 00m

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September 17, 2020


London, UK

The Encouragable Rogue himself your host for the first time telling his story on the show he began this time hosted by special guest host Melvyn Altwarg. Mat has become a favourite of the Fringe with original lines and routines that are both pushing the limits of a kids show while weaving meaningful metaphors through the work. Part trashy street comedian part performance art mat has developed a craft that is quietly quite pretentious. While creating these works mat has gained a reputation as a defender of freedom on the streets of the UK. With a legal knowledge rivalled by few and a will to not give up mat has opened or reopened 3 out of London’s 5 main performance spaces, changed the wordings of UK law and dedicated many years to creating and influencing a street culture amongst these 3 spaces that has enabled many hundreds to express and present their work. If you always asked who really is your host then this night you will find out.

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